Journal clubs - Page 8

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper by Der Sarkissian and co-authors recently published in Current Biology on horse evolutionary genomics with many interesting genomic analysis methods.

Time and place: , Room 3513

We are back! In journal club this week, we will read a paper by Moen et al. in Systematic Biology from this year  "Testing Convergence versus History: Convergence Dominates Phenotypic Evolution for Over 150 Million Years in Frogs". 

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper on how hybridization may boost adaptive radiations in sticklebacks. The paper is authored by Roy and co-authors and is available from the recently accepted papers section in Molecular Ecology.

Time and place: , Room 3513

The Ordovician crew is in town and we plan to capitalize on their knowledge. In journal club this week, we will read a paper by Hughes et al. in PNAS from 2013  "Clades reach highest morphological disparity early in their evolution". 

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper on how chromosomal rearrangements and hybridization between two yeast lineages drive hybrid speciation after secondary contact. The paper is authored by Leducq and co-authors and is available from BioRxiv, a bit fresher than most papers we read and hopefully with plenty of scope for discussion.

Time and place: , Room 3513

Last week we read a paper that used Principal Component analysis, so this week we will discuss why this type of analysis can mislead inferences. Friday, 25th : "Comparative Analysis of Principal Components Can be Misleading" Uyeda et al. 2015.

Time and place: , Room 3513

On Friday the 18th we will be discussing a paper by Duran & Pie (2015): "Tempo and mode of climatic niche evolution in Primates" where they look at niche evolution over macroevolutionary time. 

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a study on An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor which was recently published in Nature. In the study Fu and colleagues report findings of 6-9% neanderthal DNA in a modern human.

Time and place: , Room 3513

This Friday the 11th we will be discussing: "Linking macrotrends and microrates: Re-evaluating microevolutionary support for Cope's rule" where they look at trait changes at microevolutionary scales to test for Cope`s rule.

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Rolshausen et al. (2015, Evolution) on the the effects of gene flow on selection.

Time and place: , Room 3513

This Friday the 4th we will be discussing: "Fitness of multidimensional phenotypes in dynamic adaptive landscapes", on how dynamic adaptive landscapes link phenotypes to fitness across environments.

Time and place: , Room 3515

Macroevolution journal club is back and on Friday the 28th we will be discussing: "The adaptive landscape as a conceptual bridge between micro- and macroevolution", a review by Arnold et al. (2001). 

Time and place: , Room 3515

This Friday we will be discussing: "Iterative adaptive radiations of fossil canids show no evidence for diversity-dependent trait evolution" by Slater 2015. The paper is a part of the Special issue: "The future of the fossil record: Paleontology in the 21st century."

Time and place: , Rom 3515

This week, we discuss: "Age-Dependent Speciation Can Explain the Shape of Empirical Phylogenies" by Hagen et al. 2015, as a follow-up to last week's discussion.

Time and place: , Rom 3515

This week, we continue reading about the debate at the 2014 ASN meeting: "Species Diversity Is Dynamic and Unbounded at Local and Continental Scales" by Harmon and Harrison in Am Nat.

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Cong et al. (2015, Cell) on the genomics of speciation in butterflies.

Please note that it will take place in the aquarium on Friday the 8th at 12!

Time and place: , Room 3515

This week we discuss a new paper by Hunt et al. (2015) on models of trait evolution: "Simple versus complex models of trait evolution and stasis as a response to environmental change". This paper is a part of the Special issue: "The future of the fossil record: Paleontology in the 21st century."

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Janousek et al. (2015, Molecular Biology and Evolution) on the role of genomic functional organization on introgression.

Please note that the meeting will take place in the aquarium on Friday the 24th at 12!

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Feulner et al. (2015, PLoS Genetics) on genome-wide divergence between stickleback populations.

Please note that the day and time of the meeting have changed, it will take place in the aquarium on Friday the 17th at 12!

Time and place: , Rom 3515

This week we read about brain evolution in the mammalian context. "The remarkable, yet not extraordinary, human brain as a scaled-up primate brain and its associated cost" by Herculano-Houzell 2012 PNAS

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Kemppainen et al. introducing a new methodology for studying linkage disequilibrium with genomic data.

Time and place: , 3513

In the Macroevolution Journal Club this week we'll discuss a method paper from 2014 on how to include as much fossil data as possible in calibrating phylogenies by Heath, Huelsenbeck and Stadler in PNAS: The fossilized birth-death process for coherent calibration of divergence-time estimates.

Bring a friend!

Time and place: , Room 3513

This week in the macroevolution journal club we will read a paper by Hopkins and Smith newly published (2015) in PNAS: Dynamic evolutionary change in post-Paleozoic echinoids and the importance of scale when interpreting changes in rates of evolution

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Pujolar et al. (Molecular Ecology 2014) on genome-wide signatures of local adaptation.

Please note that the day and time of the meeting have changed, it will take place in the aquarium on Friday the 27th at 11!