Hard to access papers

The below paper is becoming hard to get access to, as universities are dropping their suscription to the closed-access part of the now open access Epidemics journal.

Unfortunately the Epidemics journal does not allow papers from their closed-access period to be bought "free". Colleagues can get a copy for personal use here:

  • Schmid, B. V., C. Kęsmir, R. J. de Boer, C. Kesmir, and R. J. de Boer. 2010. “Quantifying How MHC Polymorphism Prevents Pathogens from Adapting to the Antigen Presentation Pathway.” Epidemics 2 (3): 99–108. (full-text copy for personal use)

or read Chapter 4 (page 51 onwards) from my thesis. 

  • Schmid, B. V. 2009. "Limits of viral adaptation to the antigen presentation pathway". (pdf)


Published Nov. 23, 2017 1:26 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2020 1:04 PM