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Hybrid CPU-GPU computing for simulating calcium handling in the heart

The overall objective is to develop a precise understanding of the role played by disturbances of calcium handling in cardiac arrhythmias. In this master project, computer simulations on cutting-edge hardware (especially on clusters that are made up both both multicore CPUs and general-purpose GPUs) will be chosen as the tool. The candidate will implement high-efficiency simulators that are capable of hybrid CPU-GPU computnig, and also carry out physiologically realistic simulations.

Example results of a simulation of calcium handling
Example results of a simulation of calcium handling

What you will do:

  • Start from an exsiting CPU code, implement a simulator that is able to use both CPUs and GPUs
  • Optimize the perfromance of the hybrid simulator
  • Carry out actual simulations under the guidance of experts
  • Visualize and analyze simulation results

What you will learn:

  • Standard parallel programming techniques for CPUs (such as MPI and OpenMP)
  • CUDA programming that is the de-facto standard for GPUs
  • Important concepts of computational science
  • Basic knowledge about calcium handling in the heart


  • Good (serial) programming skills
  • Entrance-level knowledge of numerical methods
  • A lot of courage and dedication
Emneord: Parallel computing, CUDA programming, calcium handling
Publisert 14. sep. 2014 23:13 - Sist endret 18. des. 2015 09:39


Omfang (studiepoeng)