Previous events

Time and place: , B 1119, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 11th floor
Time and place: , Zoom

May12 is a joyful opportunity for the mathematical community to celebrate women in mathematics. The celebration takes place every year, all around the world. Please join us!

Time and place: , Abels utsikt

Where do you store assignments? What about lists of personell information for a research group? What about their phone numbers? Do you have interviews of people? Pictures? What about research data? What kind of data is it? How to share different types of data with others in a functional and legal manner?  This talk will provide a practical guide for users in the current framework of laws and regulations. Attendance to the talk is highly recommended for everyone at the Department.  

Time and place: , Abels utsikt

Where do you store assignments? What about lists of personell information for a research group? What about their phone numbers? Do you have interviews of people? Pictures? What about research data? What kind of data is it? How to share different types of data with others in a functional and legal manner?  This talk will provide a practical guide for users in the current framework of laws and regulations. Attendance to the talk is highly recommended for everyone at the Department.  

Time and place: , Gates of Eden

On Tuesday the 3rd of April there will be a presentation on the modern problems facing research data and its use. It is highly recommended that all employees at the Department of Mathematics attend.

The presentation will be held in English.

Time and place: , Pauseareal 10 etg. Nils Henrik Abels Hus