New Face: Nikolai Thode Opdan

From : Norway

Start date: 01.03.22

Section: 5 - Algebra, Geometry and Topology



I am excited to start as a PhD student, where I will take part in the research project Equations in Motivic Homotopy. My mathematical interests are focused around Motivic homotopy theory, and my research aims at further developing the newly founded branch called Logarithmic Motivic Homotopy theory. I have previously completed both my Bachelor’s and Master’s here at UiO under the supervision of Paul Arne Østvær.

Besides mathematics, I am very interested in plants, and I maintain numerous plants in the section’s common area. Because of our nice sunny conditions, they have multiplied rapidly and created many new sprouts. Hit me up if you would like to adopt one.



Published Mar. 23, 2022 11:46 AM - Last modified Apr. 7, 2022 9:07 AM