Online PDE Workshop, 7th June 2023

This is a half-day online workshop on PDEs in physical systems. Abstracts and Zoom link can be found here!

10.30 - Benjamin Fehrman, University of Oxford

Title: Non-equilibrium fluctuations and parabolic-hyperbolic PDE with irregular drift


11.15 - Yan-Lin Wang, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University

Title: Nonlinear asymptotic stability of the hydrostatic equilibrium for some gaseous stars with vacuum free boundary


12.00 - Break


13.00 - Hua Zhong, Southwest Jiaotong University

Title: Large-time behavior to compressible fluid dynamics equations on exterior domains


13.45 - Ola Mæhlen, University of Oslo

Title: One-sided Hölder conditions for solutions of weakly dispersive equations



Contact Peter Pang ( or Hao Tang ( for more information.


Published May 12, 2023 5:16 PM - Last modified May 25, 2023 10:48 AM