Mathias Busek - Pump-less recirculation Organ-on-Chip (rOoC) platform

We have developed a pump-less recirculation Organ-on-Chip (rOoC) platform that generates a directional gravity-driven flow. This platform can be adapted to various flow conditions and enables the study of endothelial lining, blood vessel sprouting, circulation of immune cells, pathogens or other particles, and incorporation of 3D cell models like organoids. Additionally, we have developed a computational model to predict shear stress and mass transport within the rOoC, allowing for customization of the platform for various use-cases.

The rOoC platform is very versatile and can be used to model for instance drug-induced liver-injury (DILI) that mimics the complex interaction between resident human stem cell-derived liver organoids (3D-HLO) and circulating immune cells. Moreover, we show the functional crosstalk between 3D-HLOs and human pancreatic islets to model the onset of type-2 diabetes.

Image may contain: Clothing, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Chin.

Mathias Busek is a postdoctoral researcher at UiO.


Published Aug. 22, 2023 9:37 AM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2023 9:37 AM