Disputation: Erik Habbestad

Doctoral candidate Erik Habbestad at the Department of Mathematics will be defending the thesis C∗-algebras with quantum group symmetry -Noncommutative boundaries and equivariant subproduct systems for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

picture of the candidate

Doctoral candidate Erik Habbestad

The PhD defence will be in Auditorium 4 - Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus. The host of the session will moderate the technicalities while the chair of the defence will moderate the disputation.

Ex auditorio questions: the chair of the defence will invite the audience to ask questions ex auditorio at the end of the defence.

Trial lecture

15th of August, time: 10:15 am, Auditorium 4.

"Amenability for C*-dynamical systems: recent developments"

Main research findings 

Mathematical objects often possess some sort of 'symmetry'. For instance, the circle has rotational symmetry; It 'looks the same' even if we rotate it around its center by some angle. Formally this type of symmetry is an example of a group action on a topological space.

Groups can also act on C*-algebras (sometimes called 'quantum spaces'), which are objects that generalize topological spaces. However, in this setting it is interesting to in addition look at 'quantum symmetries'. These are encoded by quantum group actions, which is the overarching topic of the thesis.

On the one hand we consider C*-algebras constructed from certain polynomials, via so-called subproduct systems. These turn out to posess quantum symmetry, something we use both to describe the C*-algebras and to study equivariant KK-theory. The descriptions of the C*-algebras also shed light on representation theory and connections to braided quantum groups.

On the other hand we can start with a quantum group, and consider so-called 'noncommutative boundaries'. Given a compact quantum group we show that its Drinfeld double always has a Furstenberg–Hamana boundary. This is a universal object which is often closely related to the Poisson boundaries.

Adjudication committee

  • Professor Christian Voigt, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Lyudmila Turowska, University of Gothenburg 
  • Professor Erik Bedos, University of Oslo


Chair of defence

Head of Department Geir Dahl 

Host of the session

Professor Erik Bedos, University of Oslo



Department of Mathematics
Published Aug. 1, 2023 1:15 PM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2023 10:44 AM