Hello, my name is Thore Espedal Moe

Originally from Stavanger, laureate in Bergen, Thore Espedal Moe is the new PhD student at the Rosseland Centre for Solar Physic, UiO. 

In August 2019 Thore Espedal Moe became part of the crew of the Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics (RoCS). Originally from Stavanger, Thore did his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in physics at the University of Bergen.

– I did my Master’s degree in the field of atomic physics. For my thesis I used numerical simulations to study the ionization dynamics of hydrogen in very strong laser fields. While this may seem quite different from what I am doing now, much of the underlying physics are actually the same, explains Thore.

A close look to the solar chromosphere

Now he started his PhD studies under the main supervision of Dr. Tiago Pereira.

– I will be studying the formation of polarized spectral lines in the solar chromosphere. In particular how they relate to the magnetic fields, and what they can tell us about their behaviour, says Thore.

By calculating and analysing synthetic spectra from simulations of the solar atmosphere obtained through the Bifrost code, Thore hopes to gain insight into where and how the lines are formed, and how they are influenced by the physical conditions of the atmosphere.

Joining a sentre of superb science

 After completing his Master’s, Thore spent some time looking for interesting opportunities to do a PhD combining physics and computations

– The announcement from RoCS caught my eye. Reading a bit about the centre I quickly realized this was a place doing superb science, so I was happy to apply, confesses Thore.

– What is your experience so far?

– I have had an excellent experience so far. People at the institute are very welcoming. It is a friendly and including working environment with people from all over the world. Also, the coffee is great!

– Any expectations? 

– I want to learn lots, and hopefully do some research others will find interesting. 

Published Jan. 13, 2020 9:58 AM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2024 3:13 PM