Easter with new friends

Easter is just around the corner and the weather forecast is looking promising. It is important to take a break and easier to do so if you have something to do and someone to do it with. Therefore, we are repeating the success of the Christmas with new friends, in a new holiday suit.This time, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is welcoming all PhD candidates, Postdocs and researchers from other faculties at the University of Oslo, it is time to expand your network!   


When you sign up we will pair you with up to eight others who are also looking for someone to hang with during the holidays. Your meetings will be self-initiated and you decide yourselves whether you want to meet digitally or outside. Those of you who want to meet in person outside, will be matched geographically to avoid unnecessary use of public transportation (in case of resurgence of the coronavirus). We will also assure gender balance in the groups.

By signing up you approve that we store the information about you for one month, and that we can share your e-mail address with the people you are paired with.

Registration is open. Deadline is the 7th of April 15:00, don't miss out!


Jean Raphaƫl Martinez, MN Faculty administration

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