Online PDE Workshop, 31st October 2023

This is a half-day online workshop on the numerics and theory of conservation laws and fluid equations. Abstracts and Zoom link can be found here.

10.30 - Kaibo Hu, University of Edinburgh

Title: Helicity-conservative discretization of incompressible MHD systems


11.15 - Rahul Barthwal, University of Stuttgart

Title: On a class of sonic-supersonic boundary value problems


12.00 - Break


13.00 - Adrian Ruf, University of Oslo

Title: Uncertainty quantification for conservation laws with discontinuous flux


13.45 - Magnus Ørke, University of Oslo

Title: Particle paths for hyperbolic conservation laws



Contact Peter Pang ( or Hao Tang ( for more information.


Published Oct. 11, 2023 3:26 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2023 1:49 PM