Morten Hjorth-Jensen: Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics for Many Interacting Particles

Morten Hjorth-Jensen (Department of Physics, University of Oslo and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, USA) will give a talk on March 3rd at 14:15 in the Erling Sverdrups plass, Niels Henrik Abels hus, 8th floor.

Image may contain: Smile.

Morten Hjorth-Jensen is a Professor of Physics at the University of Oslo and at the Michigan State University (USA)

Title: Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics for Many Interacting Particles

Abstract: The main aim is to give you a short and pedestrian introduction to how we can use Machine Learning methods to solve quantum mechanical many-body problems. And why this could be of interest. I will focus on the link between variational methods (Variational Monte Carlo as an example) and so-called Boltzmann machines and how  they can be used to solve many-body problems, as well as to give a survey on how other Deep Learning methods can be used in Physics analysis and discoveries.

Download the flyer (coming soon).

Tags: Seminar Series in Statistics and Data Science
Published Jan. 31, 2020 12:41 PM - Last modified Feb. 17, 2020 11:03 AM