Several Complex Variables Meeting 2021

This is a meeting for updates in Several Complex Variables. It is supported by Research Council of Norway. 

Organisers: Håkan Samuelsson Kalm (Chalmers and University of Gothenburg, website), Tuyen Trung Truong (University of Oslo, website) and Erlend Fornæss Wold (University of Oslo, website)

The workshop will include both talks from senior and junior researchers. The workshop is a mixture between physical and digital means, to cope with the ongoing Corona19 pandemic. 

Time: 9-11 December 2021

Location: University of Oslo (physical) and Zoom (link available to all participants)



Nicholas Aidoo, NTNU (website). Talk: The Catlin multitype of sums of squares domains

Viktor Balch Barth, University of Oslo (website). Talk: Surjective algebraic maps onto algebraically subelliptic manifolds

Boris Kruglikov, University of Tromsø (website). Talk: Blow up and in nitesimal automorphisms of CR-manifolds

Erik Løw, University of Oslo (website). Talk: Factorization of symplectic matrices

Alexander Rashkovski, University of Stavanger (website). Note: talk via Zoom. Talk: Residual plurisubharmonic functions

Andrea Santi, University of Tromsø (website). Talk: On homogeneous k-nondegenerate CR manifolds

Lars Martin Sektnan, Chalmers and University of Gothenburg (website). Talk: Blowing up extremal Kahler manifolds

Alan Sola, Stockholm University (website). Note: talk via Zoom. Talk: Local theory for stable polynomials and bounded rational functions of several variables

Mingchen Xia, Chalmers and University of Gothenburg (website). Talk: Analytic Bertini theorem


Schedule (Oslo time, in Central European Summer Time = GMT+2)

December 9 December 10 December 11
  10:15-11:00: Xia 10:15-11:00: Aidoo
  11:15-12:00: Sektnan  11:15-12:00: Løw 
Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break
  13:15-14:00: Rashkovski   
14:15-15:00: Kruglikov 14:15-15:00: Barth  
15:15-16:00: Santi     
16:15-17:00: Sola 16:00: Workshop dinner  

Title and Abstract[pdf file]

Funding: We have a limited funding to cover part or whole of expense for speakers and participants (priority: junior researchers such as students and postdocs). Please contact the organisers for more detail. 

Research Council of Norway


Published Dec. 13, 2022 1:19 PM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2024 2:00 PM