Audio-visual equipment

The Department of Mathematics have a number of rooms with audio-visual (AV) equipment. These come in three flavours: Seminar rooms, meeting rooms with video conferencing support, and end-of-hall spaces.


The Deparment does not offer fixed computers in any AV room. You will need to bring a laptop to use the equipment. If you do not have a laptop, one can be borrowed from the sysadmin office in room 701.

Every installation has a video cable with and adapter ring to connect your laptop. If required, find the correct adapter for your and attach it to the end of the video cable and then connect the adapter end to the laptop. When you are done with the installation, please unplug the adapter from both your laptop and the cable.

There are no fixed speakers in any of these rooms, and as such, the lecture rooms do not have microphones. 

Seminar rooms

These installations are found in the following rooms: 720, 723, 819, 919, 1020, 1119, 1120, 1259 ("Abel's Utsikt")

  • Use the touch panel to start the system
  • Select input and laptop, the screen will activate and descend
  • Connect the laptop, optionally with an adapter as described above
  • Wait for 30 to 50 seconds for the projector to display your image

When you are done with the room, please disconnect the adapter from the laptop and the cable, then turn off the system by selecting "Shut down" from the touch panel.

Meeting rooms

Rooms: 700 and 1000.

  • When a laptop is connected to the video cable in the room, either directly or via an adapter, the screens turn on automatically.
  • The screens are mirrored, showing the same content to all participants on either side of the table
  • To use the video conferencing solution, plug the USB cable into your laptop and in your software of choice select "Logitech Meetup" as your camera, your microphone, and your speaker.

When you are done with the room, please disconnect the adapter from the laptop and the cable.

End-of-hall spaces

These are the spaces on the southern end of the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th floor (kitchenette areas).

  • When a laptop is connected to the video cable by the window, either directly or via an adapter, the projector turns on and the screen descends automatically
  • When you disconnect your laptop and disconnect the adapter from the cable if one was used, the system turns off automatically and the screen ascends
  • There is a brief grace period to allow switching between laptops without the system shutting down
Published Aug. 31, 2018 2:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2018 10:50 AM