WeScience (completed)

The WeScience initiative is an on-going effort to provide resources that enable eScience research and development in our own field, i.e. Computational Linguistics (or Natural Language Processing). Some of the motivating ideas and goals are sketched by Ytrestøl, Flickinger, & Oepen (2009). WeScience aims to (help) improve the accessibility of scholarly literature and digital libraries, with a special emphasis on community or open access resources.

Current development is focused on semantic parsing of encyclopedic articles (from the on-line community resource [WWW] Wikipedia), with the long-term goal of relating natural language semantics and taxonomic knowledge, for example in relation extraction or ontology learning applications. As a complementary element, we plan to include a selection of scientific articles (from the [WWW] ACL Anthology, for example), with candidate applications ranging over, among others, function and attitude analysis for citations, attribution tracking, indexing by complex content properties (for example specific sub-fields, hypotheses, methods used), association to encyclopedia entries (or ontology nodes), or so-called 'semantic search'.

WeScience, in its early stages of 2008, 2009, and 2010, is a semi-formal collaboration between the [WWW] University of Oslo, the [WWW] Center for the Study of Language and Information, the [WWW] German Research Center for AI, and [WWW] Saarland University, with partial funding from the University of Oslo, the [WWW] Norwegian Open Research Archives, and the [WWW] Norwegian Metacenter for Computational Science.

Read more about WeScience on the project's official sites.

Published Mar. 7, 2011 1:16 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2016 2:47 PM