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Disputation: Lars Frogner

Doctoral candidate Lars Frogner at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Modelling accelerated particles in the solar atmosphere" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Join the disputation

The PhD defence and trial lecture will be 100% in-person. The room opens for participation just before the disputation starts, and closes for new participants approximately 15 minutes after the defence has begun.

Join the trial lecture - 22nd of April at 10:15 (Aud. 209, Svein Rosselands Hus)

"Solar accelerated particles beyond solar corona: what have we learned from space missions?"

Conferral summary

Avhandlingen utforsker partikler som akselereres i solas atmosfære og danner energirike stråler. Ved hjelp av en tredimensjonal simulering modellerte vi strålenes dannelse og oppførsel i et mer realistisk miljø enn tidligere. Vi fant at solas intrikate magnetfelt kan påvirke energitransporten til strålene, noe som gir ny innsikt i rollen til akselererte partikler i solatmosfæren.

Main research findings:

This thesis explores the Sun’s dynamic atmosphere, focusing on the role of accelerated particles. These particles are propelled to extremely high speeds during solar flares, which are bright, explosive events in the Sun’s atmosphere. Accelerated particle beams can contain much of the energy released during a flare.

Traditionally, particle beams have been simulated individually in simplified, one-dimensional atmospheres. By including accelerated particles in an advanced three-dimensional simulation of the Sun’s atmosphere, we could simulate many particle beams in a more realistic setting. Our simulations demonstrate how the Sun’s intricate magnetic field influences how the beams emerge and evolve.

These results show how important it is to consider the presence of many beams in a complex magnetic environment when trying to understand the role of accelerated particles. In addition to providing this new perspective on energy transport in the solar atmosphere, our research lays the groundwork for more accurate models in the future.


Contact information for the Department

Tags: PhD defense, disputas, Solar physics, Observations
Published Apr. 8, 2024 10:00 AM - Last modified Apr. 8, 2024 10:33 AM