Cosmology seminar: Claudia Antolini

Claudia Antolini is a PhD. student working on CMB lensing.

Prospects for CMB lensing: constraints on tensor modes and signal
extraction from N-body lensed CMB maps

After multiple high precision detections (ACT, SPT, Planck)
gravitational lensing has become a new source of relevant
cosmological information: combining it with other probes (e.g. the large
scale structure) can give sgnificant insight on the evolution of the
Dark Energy component.
In my talk I will analyse how future polarization experiments can
constrain the standard LCDM Universe along with an evolving Dark
Energy component and how including the lensing phenomenology in the analysis
of primordial B modes can significantly influence the constraints on the
amplitude on tensor modes.
Furthermore, I will present the first results of a flat sky lensing extraction
algorythm testing phase, aiming at the characterization of Dark Energy
imprints in N-body lensing CMB realizations. Specifically, we characterize
projection effects when analyzing spherical simulated lensing patterns.

Published Apr. 8, 2013 11:23 AM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2013 12:22 PM