Cosmology seminar: Tone Melvær Ruud

Tone Melvær Ruud is a phd student working with Hans Kristian.

Observing the CMB monopole -- from 1965 to 2025
For the last few years, the isotropic part of the CMB has been somewhat overshadowed by the successful explorations of the anisotropies. In this talk, I will try to give the monopole the attention it deserves. I will trace the history of its discovery and observation, culminating in the stunning success of the COBE FIRAS experiment, which determined both the CMB temperature and its blackbody nature to superb accuracy. I will then discuss what has been done in the years since, what secrets the monopole may yet hold, and what plans are being made for further investigations.

Published Apr. 8, 2013 11:25 AM - Last modified May 21, 2013 7:56 AM