Cosmology seminar: Marit Sandstad

Marit Sandstad is a phd student working with David.

Bigravity - Or: What to look for in a modified gravity exemplified in the the two-tensor case

In this talk I will outline in a hand waving fashion why we want  to modify gravity and how that can be done. I will then specify these generalities to the specific case of a viable theory of two spin-two tensors, i.e. the so called bigravity or bimetric theory. In addition to presenting some of the notable features of this particular modification of gravity, I will also divulge on the implications of this theory applied to late-time cosmology, showing and elaborating on certain results from the
investigation in the article 1209.0457.

Published Apr. 8, 2013 11:26 AM - Last modified May 13, 2013 3:00 PM