Persons tagged with «natural language processing»

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Erik Velldal Velldal, Erik Professor +47 22840119 +47 40221161 NLP, Natural Language Processing, language technology, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI, language models, language modeling
Picture of Tor Ole Bigton Odden Odden, Tor Ole Bigton Associate Professor sensemaking, physics education, physics education research, computational literacy, epistemic agency, natural language processing, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Picture of Andrei Kutuzov Kutuzov, Andrei Associate Professor +4740648218 Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Word Embeddings, Distributional Semantics, Diachronic Word Embeddings, Semantic Shifts, Semantic Change Detection, language models, NorBERT, NorELMO, HPLT
Picture of Huiling You You, Huiling Doctoral Research Fellow Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Computational Linguistics
Picture of David Samuel Samuel, David Doctoral Research Fellow Natural Language Processing, deep learning, language models, semantic parsing
Picture of Lilja Øvrelid Øvrelid, Lilja Professor +47 22840850 language technology, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Computational Linguistics
Picture of Lucas Georges Gabriel Charpentier Charpentier, Lucas Georges Gabriel Doctoral Research Fellow Natural Language Processing, deep learning, privacy, Machine Learning
Picture of Pierre Lison Lison, Pierre Associate Professor +47 96799812 96799812 language technology, dialogue systems, privacy, Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence, Natural Language Processing
Picture of Sondre Wold Wold, Sondre Doctoral Research Fellow Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Knowledge Graphs