Disputation: Dorthea Gjestvang

Dorthea Gjestvang will defend her thesis “Excitation energy propagation and angular momentum generation in the nuclear fission process” for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

portrait of the candidate

The PhD defence and trial lecture will be streamed. The chair of the defence will moderate the disputation. 

Ex auditorio questions:  the chair of the defence will invite the audience physically present in the auditorium to ask ex auditorio questions.

→ Live streaming of trial lecture and disputation

→ Request for thesis copy (available until the disputation starts)

Trial lecture

Time and place: June 20, 2023; 10:15 AM, Store Fysiske auditorium (V343) - Fysikkbygningen

Title: "Thorium Fuel Cycle - Challenges and Perspectives"

Main research findings

The nuclear fission process, in which the splitting of a heavy nucleus results in a significant energy release, is a fascinating arena for studying the interplay between nuclear and Coulomb forces in heavy nuclei. There is no complete theoretical description of fission, and understanding this intricate process is important both for fundamental science as well as nuclear reactor applications.

This thesis studies how the excitation energy and the angular momentum of the fission fragments are determined and which aspects of fission might impact this determination. These questions are investigated experimentally by introducing changes to the fissioning system and observing the impact on the 𝛾 rays emitted from the fragments as they de-excite. Different experimental techniques are used to probe various features of the 𝛾-ray emission, and the results represent important steps forward in understanding angular momentum generation and excitation energy propagation in nuclear fission.

Image may contain: Gesture, Font, Circle, Logo, Sharing.

Adjudication Committee

  • Professor Sven Åberg, Mathematical Physics Division, Lund University, Sweden
  • Professor Stephan Pomp, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Professor Alexander Lincoln Read, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway


  • Professor Sunniva Siem, Department of Physic, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Dr. Jon N. Wilson, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJC Laborator, France

Chair of defence

  • Head of Department Susanne Friederike Viefers, Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway


Contact information to Department: Line Trosterud Resvold


Published June 6, 2023 2:45 PM - Last modified June 21, 2023 10:23 AM