HEP Seminar: Plasma wake field acceleration for High Energy Physics

This Friday at 12:15 we have the first seminar in our HEP Colloquium series this fall. The seminar is by Erik Adli (SLAC).

Plasma wake field acceleration for High Energy Physics

I will present the latest results on the beam-driven plasma wake field acceleration experiments currently on-going at the FACET facility at SLAC.

Plasma wake field acceleration holds much promise as a new and revolutionary way to construct particle accelerators, and enables accelerating fields up to 100 GV/m (3 orders of magnitude stronger fields than the state-of-the-art of microwave based particle accelerators).

The FACET facility is studying, as the first facility in the world, two bunch plasma acceleration, where energy is transferred from a drive bunch to a witness bunch.  

The target is to accelerate the witness bunch, with high gradient and high efficiency, while preserving a low energy spread and a low emittance.  

I will also discuss the potential use of plasma acceleration in future HEP-projects.

Published Aug. 29, 2013 1:24 PM