Lunch seminar 7 February

Next Lunch Seminar will be on Tuesday, 07 Februray,  usual place (KV316, Chemistry building)

Next Lunch Seminar will be on Tuesday, 07 February, usual place (KV316, Chemistry building), Starting at 12:15

Dr. Andrey Perezhogin from Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radiowave Propagation of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences will talk about "Lidar measurements of the upper atmosphere at Kamchatka"

Abstract: Description of a lidar station at Kamchatka and technique of backscattering signal processing is represented. Lidar measurements of the upper atmosphere are discussed. Correlation between precipitation of charged particles and lidar backscattering signal is shown. Mechanism of resonant scattering at excited ions of atomic nitrogen and oxygen is investigated.

See you there!



Published Feb. 2, 2017 2:23 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2017 3:25 PM