COMPET – high resolution and high sensitivity PET scanner with novel readout concept: Setup and simulations

COMPET is a MRI compatible preclinical PET scanner aiming towards a high sensitivity and a high point source resolution (PSR) by implementing a novel block detector geometry. Layers of matrices consisting of long LYSO crystals and wavelength shifter (WLS) fibers are used to determine the point of interaction (POI) of the γ-ray within the LYSO crystal. This reduces the parallax error to a minimum and allows for a high PSR and a high sensitivity, while keeping a low number of readout channels. Simulations show that the detector achieves a PSR below 1 mm in the transaxial plane and a sensitivity of up to 16%.

Tags: Medical Instrumentation, Medical Imaging, PET By M. Rissi, E. Bolle
Published Feb. 15, 2011 2:27 PM