GeoHyd Seminar: Hvordan vi i 1970-80 årene tolket data fra Landsat satellitt / How we interpreted Landsat imagery in the 1970s-80s

Welcome to GeoHyd Lunch Seminar Friday May 31.

Title: Hvordan vi i 1970-80 årene tolket data fra Landsat satellitt / How we interpreted Landsat imagery in the 1970s-80s

Speakers: Professor emeritus Gunnar Østrem AND glaciologist Nils Haakensens

Time: Friday, 31.5.2013, 12.15-13.00, Auditorium 1, Geology Building


About the seminar:

This seminar is offered by the research environments geography and hydrology at the Department of Geosciences.

The seminar is open for all interested in the topic of the seminar.



Published Dec. 12, 2013 11:58 AM