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Disputation: Håvard Svanes Bertelsen

Doctoral candidate Håvard Svanes Bertelsen at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is  defending the thesis "Beyond Elasticity - An Experimental Study of Magma Emplacement Mechanisms and Associated Deformation Structures" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Håvard Svanes Bertelsen. Photo: Private

Håvard Svanes Bertelsen. Photo: Private

Trial lecture - time and place

Friday 25 October, 10:15–11:00, Auditorium 3, the ZEB building:

Interaction of Volcanoes and Earthquakes


Conferral summary (in Norwegian)

Magmatiske intrusjoner tvinger seg fram gjennom jordskorpen ved å lage sprekker og ganger, og hvordan denne oppsprekkingen skjer er et grunnleggende spørsmål for å forstå vulkanisme. I sin avhandling utforsker Bertelsen forskjellige intrusjonsmekanismer gjennom laboratoriemodeller. Avhandlingen gir ny innsikt i sammenhengen mellom intrusjonsmekanismer og deformasjonsstrukturer som oppstår i jordskorpen og på overflaten, og setter spørsmålstegn ved modeller som brukes for å tolke vulkansk overflatedeformasjon i dag.

Main research findings

Popular scientific article about Bertelsen’s dissertation:

How does host rock deformation relate to magmatic emplacement in the Earth’s crust?

This thesis aims to bring new physical understanding of magma emplacement mechanisms and associated host rock deformation structures. The study used laboratory models of magma intrusions in crustal analogues of different rheologies where deformation was monitored in high resolution. 

Polariscope photo of a 2D magma intrusion experiment where dyed viscous oil (red) has intruded into an elasto-plastic laponite gel. The white, continuous shadowy features correspond to a qualitative measure of shear stress in the gel, while the curvilinear discontinuities highlight fractures. The deformation structures in this experiment illustrate how a complex host rock rheology can result in complex emplacement mechanisms including both plastic and elastic deformation. Photo: B. D. Rogers / H. S. Bertelsen.
Polariscope photo of a 2D magma intrusion experiment where dyed viscous oil (red) has intruded into an elasto-plastic laponite gel. The white, continuous shadowy features correspond to a qualitative measure of shear stress in the gel, while the curvilinear discontinuities highlight fractures. The deformation structures in this experiment illustrate how a complex host rock rheology can result in complex emplacement mechanisms including both plastic and elastic deformation. Photo: B. D. Rogers / H. S. Bertelsen.

We describe one elastic and one plastic emplacement mechanism that both produce dykes of similar shapes, but with distinct surface deformation patterns. We show intrusion experiments in a visco-elasto-plastic crustal rheology that reproduce the diversity of intrusion shapes and deformation structures seen in nature.

The observed richness of structural expression is chiefly controlled by the rheological contrast between the magma and the crust, but also by small-scale heterogeneities enhancing failure localization and stochastic behaviour. Contrary to consensus, small-scale plastic deformation at the intrusion tip was found to have large impact on large-scale deformation. The presented work challenges the elastic crust assumption in current geodetic models, and we find it essential to account for the heterogeneity and complex rheology of the Earth’s crust to fully understand magma emplacement processes.


Photo and other information:

Press photo: Håvard Svanes Bertelsen (portrait)

Other photo material: Polariscope_photo_of_viscous_oil_intruding_into_elasto-plastic_laponite. Photo: B. D. Rogers / H. S. Bertelsen.

Published Oct. 11, 2019 2:09 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2019 2:11 PM