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Disputation: Maaike Francine Maria Weerdesteijn

Doctoral candidate Maaike Francine Maria Weerdesteijn at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Solid earth deformation due to glacial mass changes above low-viscosity upper mantle: Model development, importance of contemporary ice melt, and an application to southeast Greenland for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Maaike Francine Maria Weerdesteijn. Photo: Private

Maaike Francine Maria Weerdesteijn. Photo: Private

The PhD defence and trial lecture will be held in Auditorium 1, The Geology Building. The trial lecture and the disputation can be attended via Zoom (video link).

Trial lecture

Friday 9 June, 15:00-15:45, Aud 1, The Geology Building  

Drivers and components of future sea level change

Conferral summary (in Norwegian)

Endringer i jordens klima omfordeler is- og vannmasser på jordoverflaten, noe som kan få den faste jorden til å deformere. Vi bruker vår nye og målrettede modell for deformasjon av den faste jorden og finner at rask landhevning i Sørøst-Grønland er dominert av en viskøs respons på nylig og rask deglasiasjon, som har skjedd i løpet av de siste tiårene. Dette viskøse bidraget til kunnskap om jorddeformasjon vurderes vanligvis ikke, men vil bli stadig viktigere i fremtiden ettersom deglasiasjonen akselererer.

Main research findings

Popular scientific article about Weerdesteijn’s dissertation:

Solid earth deformation due to glacial mass changes above low-viscosity upper mantle: Model development, importance of contemporary ice melt, and an application to southeast Greenland

Changes to Earth’s climate redistribute masses of ice and water on Earth's surface. These loads cause the solid earth to deform, and it is commonly thought that this happens in two ways: ice age ice melting caused a long-term viscous flow that is still occurring, and modern ice melting drives an instantaneous elastic deformation. However, regions in West Antarctica and southeast Greenland are currently uplifting so rapidly that another deformation mechanism must be important. Here we study how confined regions of unusually weak rocks within Earth’s upper mantle can deform viscously, generating rapid surface uplift.

This doctoral thesis presents a new viscoelastic earth deformation model that can accommodate large lateral variations in Earth structure. We benchmark this code and use it to investigate the poorly understood role of small (~100s km) regions of unusually low-viscosity mantle beneath rapidly melting ice. We then apply our code to southeast Greenland, a region likely weakened by the Iceland plume ~40 Ma ago. We show that the uplift here is dominated by a viscous response to recent and rapid deglaciation, occurring within the past few decades. This viscous contribution is not usually considered, but will become increasingly important in the future as deglaciation accelerates.

Figure: Motivation and overview of the research presented in this doctoral thesis. See larger image. Figures A, B, and C courtesy of Clinton P. Conrad. Paper I and III figures courtesy of Maaike F. M. Weerdesteijn. Paper II photo by Maaike F. M. Weerdesteijn.


Photo and other information:

Press photo: Maaike Francine Maria Weerdesteijn, portrait; 300px. Photo: Private

Other photo material: Figure with description and credit as specified in the article above, size 1500px.

Published May 25, 2023 3:00 PM - Last modified July 5, 2023 1:57 PM