Event description


This is an irregularly recurring event involving discharge of water from a supraglacial lake. Catastrophic discharges, either subglacial or intraglacial, have initiated significant debris events as the discharge flows downslope through unconsolidated glacial till towards the railway lines, highway (Trans-Canada) and other structures in the valley floor.In 1978, debris flows triggered by a j�kulhlaup from Cathedral Glacier destroyed three levels of Canadian Pacific railway track, derailing a freight train. Sections of the Trans-Canada Highway were also buried. Debris flows at the same site in previous years have also been linked to j�kulhlaups.




destroyed three levels of Canadian Pacific railway track, derailing a freight train. Sections of the Trans-Canada Highway were also buried.


Data source


Haeberli, W., M�ller, P. (1988): Fluctuations of glaciers 1980�1985 (Vol. V). International Association of Hydrological Science.




Significant events also occured in 1982 and 1984.