License server down 2014-01-02

09:30: The license server for Petrel, Eclipse, TecMod, Interactive Petrophysics, Bruker AXS and PCI Geomatica suffered a disk crash over the holidays. We are currently reinstalling the license server.

Update 15:30: All licenses except Interactive Petrophysics should be running now.

Update 2014-01-10: Interactive Petrophysics licenses are now available again. The new license server only supports IP 4.1 update 6 or higher. We will start updating the software on Monday morning.

Update 2014-01-13: IP 4.2 and the Petrel plugin for IP 4.2 has been installed on all computers in the IT lab.

By Jørn Viljar Arnesen
Published Jan. 2, 2014 10:42 AM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2014 8:45 AM