Digital health

We have the pleasure of having three speakers, Miria Grisot, Jens Kaasbøll, and Sundeep Sahay, presenting some of the latest research projects on digitalization and health.

DIGI Remote project: Digital technologies for post-operative remote care and rehabilitation, Miria Grisot (DIG/DIN)

DIGI Remote is a research and innovation project funded by NFR in the frame of the Chinese-Norwegian Collaboration Projects on Digitalisation. IFI leads a WP with the purpose to develop knowledge about scaling strategies for digital infrastructures, and to identify infrastructure and institutional challenges to scaling remote care solutions in Norway and in China, and appropriate strategies to deal with them. The research focuses on the activities of Dignio as an IT company with experience in both the development of digital technology for remote care and the design and the implementation of remote care services.

Human, technical and political factors for better coordination and support of e-health in Africa - BETTEReHEALTH, Jens Johan Kaasbøll (HISP/IS)

is a Coordination and Support Action under Horizon 2020 with SINTEF as coordinator. It has set up hubs in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi and Tunisia which has organised regional conference and network activities. The main responsibility of UiO is capacity building and innovation-promotion activities to ensure user involvement, user centeredness, sustainability and increased accessibility in e-health services. We are developing a web-site containing practical experiences with contacts and research results concerning issues from eHealth projects in Africa. This site is aimed at being a knowledge and contact bank for eHealth implementers and for course development and teaching, also to be used in three collaboration projects in Africa and Asia on course development. 


EquityAMR – Digital Equity in Antimicrobial (AMR) policy and practice

Building equity in digital global health: the case of antimicrobial resistance in low and lower-middle-income countries, Sundeep Sahay (HISP/IS)

The project focuses on strengthening Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) surveillance in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) with a focus on India and Sri Lanka. AMR is identified as one of the top global health priorities by WHO, and LMICs like India are global hotspots. Aggravating this problem is the lack of adequate surveillance capabilities, which prevents countries from building a strong evidence base around the nature and extent of the problem, which then constrains the adoption of effective policy interventions. To break this vicious cycle, the project aims to strengthen surveillance capabilities at facility and policy levels, working with partners in Norway, India and Sri Lanka. These capabilities will be developed based on the DHIS2 free and open source digital platform, which will then be made available to the countries in the HISP network, and to the WHO within the HISP-WHO Collaborating Centre Agreement.


Published Oct. 26, 2022 9:49 AM - Last modified Oct. 26, 2022 9:49 AM