New publications

Two new papers on SANT research are now out.

We are happy to announce two new publications documenting our research in the SANT project.

The first paper, by Samuel et al. and titled Direct parsing to sentiment graphs, was presented at ACL in Dublin, May 2022. This describes a novel approach to fine-grained sentiment analysis, treating it as an instance of semantic parsing.

A second paper, by Barnes et al., describes the shared task on structured sentiment analysis at SemEval 2022, for which SANT is both a co-organizer and one of the providers of annotated data. This will be presented at the SemEval workshop (co-located with NAACL) in Seattle, 14–15 July 2022.

ACL 2022

Published July 1, 2022 9:44 AM - Last modified July 1, 2022 9:50 AM