Norwegian version of this page

Permissions on Mac

If you use Mac OS X and want to check which permissions are set for your home directory (or other shared network filesystem) you can do this easily using Cyberduck

Cyberduck is available in Managed Software Center (Found in Applications/Utilities on a UiO installed Mac) for download and installation if it is not installed already. You do not need administrative privileges to do it. Cyberduck can also be downloaded from

This is how the Cyberduck application icon looks like.

1. First you will need to install Cyberduck if it is not installed.

2. Connect to your network homedirectory using USITs norwegian guide (but it is really as simple as connecting with SFT protocol against '' and authenticating with your UiO username and password).

Connecting to your IfI network home directory.

3. To se file permissions you will need to turn on display of these.

Turn on display of permissions


4. You should then see permissions shown in the rightmost column (may differ if you turn on display of other elements).


Changing permissions

If you see something that you want to change the permissions on you can option/right-click on it and choose 'show info'. You should then find the permissions under the tab with the same name.

Changing permissions

Changing permissions automatically during transfer

If you wish different permissions apllied to your files and folder automatically during transfer you can do this easily with Cyberduck by using the preferences.

This might most likely be of use if you transfer files to a shared folder where others also need permission to edit.

Automatically changing permissions during transfer

Tags: Mac, OS X By Thomas Hansen
Published May 26, 2015 3:39 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2016 2:03 PM