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Disputas: Manas Pradhan

M.sc. Manas Pradhan ved Institutt for teknologisystemer vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden philosophiae doctor:

Interoperability for Disaster Relief Operations in Smart City Environments

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Ontology-based context awareness and semantic interoperability in frameworks for pervasive and growing Internet of things

Hovedfunn (på engelsk)

Humanity through centuries of evolution has become the dominant species on the planet. We enjoy comforts enabled by our advancements in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). But all this is threatened by population explosion, climate changes and man-made disasters. Population concentration in urban areas during such tumultuous times has added further uncertainty and possible recreation of scenarios that led many civilizations in the past to perish.

Innovation through Smart Cities and Internet-of-Things (IoT) provide glimpses of handling the disaster recovery operations in a more ubiquitous, digitalized and federated way. Thus, "Interoperability for Disaster Relief Operations in Smart City environments" is an essential element needed by disaster recovery operators and agencies. Interoperability of the underlying technologies is needed to resolve the heterogeneous and disconnected nature of future Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Recovery (HADR) operations. The thesis proposes an architecture, its component interactions and shows its validity using prototypical implementations for allowing the interoperable operation of ICT assets in Smart City environments.

For mer informasjon

  • PhD rådgiver, Ida Elisabeth Rydning, i.e.rydning@its.uio.no
  • Teknisk ansvarlig, Arild Hemstad, arild.hemstad@its.uio.no
Publisert 16. aug. 2021 12:31 - Sist endret 19. juni 2023 11:47