Disputas: Karl Jacob Hiden Rudander

M.sc. Karl Jacob Hiden Rudander ved Institutt for teknologisystemer vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden philosophiae doctor:

Underwater Acoustic Communication in the Very High-Frequency Band.

Bildet kan inneholde: hode, øre, leppe, kinn, dress skjorte.

Disputasen vil foregå via live streaming i Zoom. The disputation will be live streamed using Zoom. Zoom-verten vil moderere det tekniske rundt disputasen, mens disputasleder vil lede selve disputasen.

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Be om tilsendt avhandling



"Transmit beamforming in massive MIMO communication systems" 

Hovedfunn (på engelsk)

There is increased activity in the subsea domain, which requires access to robust high-speed communication. Applications range from live video streaming within marine robotics to fish-telemetry in aquaculture. Existing underwater communication solutions are often unable to meet the new and emerging demands. New solutions are required. This thesis aims to improve the data rates in underwater communication, by means of coherent acoustic communication in the very high frequency (VHF) band.

Combined with a 64-hydrophone line array real-time information rates of 465 kbps over 100 m, and 155 kbps over 1000 m is demonstrated in the VHF band. This has been made possible through the work in this thesis.

For mer informasjon

PhD rådgiver, Ida Elisabeth Rydning, i.e.rydning@its.uio.no

Teknisk ansvarlig, Arild Hemstad, arild.hemstad@its.uio.no

Publisert 12. jan. 2021 10:55 - Sist endret 19. juni 2023 11:47