Information meeting for Renewable Sciences

An official greeting, more information, social interaction and food will be offered all students accepted to the Master's programme in Renewable Sciences

The meeting is held at ITS (Department for Technology Systems), in our building at Kjeller. Our shuttle bus will go from Ole Johan Dahls hus at UiO's campus at Blindern at 09:30 (naturally free of charge for our students).

At this meeting you will meet other students at ITS, get some practical information regarding your study programme, and also a glimpse into the possibilities for Master's theses. You will also get some information regarding courses, both for this first semester and those that follow, and hopefully get answers to all the questions you have regarding the semester start.

After the information meeting we will have som lunch, before your official student buddies (fadderne) takes over.

As always, it is important that you stay home if you are feeling sick, so please contact us if you are unable to come. As there will be some back and forth at this arrangement we are not planning for digital presence, but all written information and a short summary of information and questions will be made available afterwards.

We are looking forward to seeing you all!

Publisert 8. aug. 2022 15:47 - Sist endret 8. aug. 2022 15:47