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Book train and bus tickets

It is possible to book train tickets by contacting the UiO Travel Agency, Egencia. Nevertheless, it turns out that this does not always work optimally. To make it easier to choose train or bus, we have collected some resources for booking tickets here.

  • Vy - To order train tickets domestically and to parts of Sweden, including Gothenburg and Stockholm. Note that SJ runs its own trains from Oslo S to Sweden, so it is worth checking both Vy and SJ if you are going to Sweden.
  • Nettbuss - For ordering long-haul bus domestically, as well as to Sweden and Denmark.
  • SJ - For ordering train tickets to Sweden and Denmark.
  • - If you want to investigate the possibility of trains outside Scandinavia, this website provides possible itineraries.
  • DB - For ordering train tickets from Denmark and beyond into Europe. You can also check out SNCF.
  • (Norwegian) - Train travel tips and inspiration.
  • The Facebook group "Train travel" contains useful advice and tips for those who want to travel by train/bus instead of flying. You must become a member to be able to view the content, but anyone who wants to become a member is approved.

Please note that it is permitted to use train/bus if the price of the journey is approximately the same as by plane. When calculating air fares for comparison, it is important to keep in mind the cost of retur tickets for the airport express train both here in Oslo and at your destination. If you are unsure whether it is okay to use train/bus instead of flying, you can contact Yngvar Reichelt.

Published Aug. 6, 2019 2:06 PM - Last modified Dec. 20, 2023 11:53 AM