Cosmology seminar: Lluís Mas-Ribas

Lluís ia a late-stage Ph.D. student at ITA

Where are the baryons, Mr. Thomson?

Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background and the
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis provide the amount of baryonic matter
contained in our Universe. At low redshifts, however, we can only
detect a small fraction of the total because there are no observables
sensitive enough to cover the whole range of masses, temperatures,
and spatial scales inhabited by these baryons. I will present 
a novel approach to probe and measure the amount of
undetected baryons, which opens a new window for the detailed study
of the unknown regions in and around massive galaxies, and
terminate the so called `missing baryons problem' in these media.


Emil Rivera-Thorsen
Published Feb. 5, 2018 1:32 PM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2018 1:42 PM