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Dynamics of a plasma blob studied with particle-in-cell simulations

Plasma transport across magnetic field lines is a fundamental problem in plasma physics. In particular in the context of plasma fusion, in the scrape-off-layer in the magnetic confinement devices, one can observe a plasma blob (enhanced plasma density) being transported to the wall. In order to understand the dynamics of the plasma blob, in this project we will study this problem on the fundamental, kinetic level.

In this project, the candidate will develop a particle-in-cell code for to study the dynamics a plasma blob towards the wall. In particular the sheath formation, its dynamics, as well as the currents to the surface will be studied. The results will be analyzed in the context of other simulations on larger fluid scales and theoretical studies of plasma confinement.


Published July 7, 2016 11:35 AM - Last modified Nov. 12, 2017 8:52 PM


Scope (credits)