Events - Page 19

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Claudio Llinares is a postdoc with David working on N-body simulations of modified gravities.


Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Claudia Antolini is a PhD. student working on CMB lensing.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Signe Riemer-Sørensen is a post doc. working at the University of Queensland.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Øystein Elgarøy is a professor at ITA.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Jeff Jewell is a scientist from NASA/JPL working on statistical methods for CMB analysis.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Per Lilje is a professor at ITA.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Mikjel Thorsrud is a phd student working with David.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Dag Sverre Seljebotn is a Ph.D. student working with Hans Kristian

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Paulo Santos is a Ph.D. student working with David.

Time and place: , Rom 304 (Peisestua)

Federico Urban is a postdoc at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels Belgium visiting David.