Courses on the ITA systems, Unix terminal, and Jupyter

This series of courses covers the ITA computing systems and how to use them, with an introduction to basic Unix, the terminal, and Jupyter notebooks. It is aimed at new users of the system, particularly master students.

Sign up

We are offering 2-hour courses on how to use the computers at the Institute. These cover the basic Unix, shell, the Institute's infrastructure, and Jupyter notebooks. The level is introductory and it is aimed at starting master students. Attendance is optional, but it is recommended that ALL master students take at least the course on Introduction to the ITA computer system if they plan to use our computing facilities during their master degree.

No prior knowledge is necessary, assuming you take all the courses. For each course, the students should know the content from the earlier courses. If you are unsure about the content/level, please check the course materials.

Please sign up to ensure you have a place!

The courses will be interactive and participants should bring their laptops to do the exercises.

The content and schedule of each course is as follows:

1. Basic Unix/Linux

When: October 15, 2018, 09:15-11:00
Where: Svein Rosselands hus: Seminarrom 304
Materials: Slides

  • Introduction to Unix operative systems
  • Filesystem and permissions
  • Users, groups
  • Processes and system resources


2. The Unix shell

When: October 22, 2018, 10:00-12:00
Where: Svein Rosselands hus: Seminarrom 304
Materials: Slides

  • Common terminal commands, text editors
  • History, tab completion
  • Processing output: grep, find, pipes and redirection
  • Basic shell scripts


3. Introduction to the ITA computer system

When: November 5, 2018, 10:00-12:00
Where: Svein Rosselands hus: Seminarrom 304
Materials: Slides

  • Compute resources
  • Connecting into remote machines, X11 forwarding
  • Shell scripts: login and non-login configuration
  • The module system


4. Jupyter Notebooks and Jupyterlab

When: November 12, 2018, 10:00-12:00
Where: Svein Rosselands hus: Seminarrom 304

  • Introduction to Jupyter
  • The interface
  • Plotting and widgets
  • Jupyter in Astronomy

Note: these 2h courses are just basic introductory courses. For more in-depth courses, we strongly recommend you take the courses from Carpentry@UiO (several upcoming ones in similar topics).


Tiago Pereira
Published Sep. 28, 2018 5:17 PM - Last modified Mar. 31, 2020 5:50 PM