Juan Martinez Sykora

Førsteamanuensis - Rosseland senter for solfysikk
Bilde av Juan Martinez Sykora
English version of this page
Besøksadresse Sem Sælands vei 13 Svein Rosselands hus 0371 OSLO
Postadresse Postboks 1029 0315 Oslo


Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Martinez-Sykora, Juan (2022). RMHD simulations of the chromosphere with NEQ ionization and ion-neutral interaction effects.
  • Martinez-Sykora, Juan (2022). New insights into the transition region from IRIS observations and numerical simulations that include non-equilibrium ionization.
  • Martinez-Sykora, Juan (2022). Modeling of small-scale phenomena.
  • Martinez-Sykora, Juan (2022). Multilfuid Alfven wave simulations to understand the chemical fractionation in the chromosphere and the role of the NEQ ionization.
  • Martinez-Sykora, Juan (2019). Beyond single fluid or two fluids: Multi-component (multi-species) and multi fluid effects in the solar atmosphere.
  • Martinez-Sykora, Juan (2019). Ebysus: a multi-fluid and multi-species numerical code: on coupling between ionized species.
  • Martinez-Sykora, Juan (2019). Ebysus: Multi-fluid & multi-species numerical code.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 16. jan. 2020 11:28 - Sist endret 25. aug. 2020 13:05