Teaching quantum physics on a high school level: How is it actually done?

Jana Legerská: 

Quantum physics is becoming increasingly important as the background knowledge for the emerging quantum technologies. In the recent years, the role of quantum physics in the high school curriculum has been emphasized, too. However, the curricular documents cannot bring a complete picture of incorporating quantum physics into the school reality.

In this talk, I will present a pilot study on describing the current state of teaching quantum physics at the high schools in the Czech Republic.

I will explore what topics are typically covered in what time constraints, what are teachers' main goals in their quantum physics teaching, and how teachers feel about introducing students to quantum physics.

picture of  Jana Legerská

Jana Legerská


Jana Legerská is a PhD student at Charles University in Prague and is a guest at the Research Section for Physics Education this semester. 

We will serve refreshments, coffee and tea. Welcome! 

The bi-weekly ODD seminar series at CCSE

The Open Discussions on Didactics (ODD) is a seminar series on Mondays at 13:00-14:00 every other week (odd week numbers) at CCSE.

The seminar will be maximum one hour, often closer to half an hour. It is an informal arena to present and discuss learning theory, educational research and teaching experiences within computational science. To cater to the highly heterogeneous backgrounds and interests of students, teachers and researchers in our environment, we aim for seminars that introduce listeners to new ideas within a broad spectrum of aspects, and that invites reflection and discussion.

Presentations need not be mature and polished - to the contrary we hope that as many as possible wants to share undigested observations and reflections in short presentations of varied form and topics. We hope to have enough contributions to frequently have the meetings as lightning talk sessions, where three different speakers will each give a 5-10-minute presentation followed by discussion.

Published Feb. 6, 2024 10:34 AM - Last modified Feb. 6, 2024 10:35 AM