Post doc position in Argentina

Our collaborator in Argentina, Mariano Devoto, is offering a post doc position on pollination of Soybean. The position is financed from Argentina but is highly relevant also for the PolliClim project. We plan to share data and knowledge on crop pollination between Norway and Argentina (and the other collaborating countries).

Faculty of Agronomy

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Postdoctoral position in soybean pollination

As part of the project “Pollination of soybean: a multiscale approach” the Plant Reproductive Biology Group at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral fellow to examine the pollination of soybean and its relationship to crop yield in Pampean agroecosystems. The project will study the pollination of soybean in field conditions with a focus on the different scales of the phenomenon (plant, plot and landscape). Main tasks will include field and laboratory activities, combined with data analysis and manuscript writing.

Research will be aimed at (1) assessing the effect of insect pollination on crop yield, (2) identifying the crop’s main pollinators, (3) identifying the role of weeds on field margins in sustaining soybean pollinators, and (4) analyzing the effect of landscape structure on soybean pollinator diversity. The ultimate objective is to provide empirically-grounded science that will guide public policies, financial incentives and technology packages to promote the sustainable use and conservation of pollinators in agroecosystems.

The Plant Reproductive Biology Group is a research team that examines both theoretical and applied questions in plant-animal interactions using a combination of empirical and modelling techniques. The overarching aim of the group is to further our understanding of the structure and function of ecological communities with a particular focus on pollination in agroecosystems, grasslands, and forest plantations.

Required qualifications include a PhD in Agroecology, Ecology/Biology, Environmental Sciences, or related fields. Candidates should have good knowledge of ecological statistics (preferably using R) and plant-insect community ecology as well as field research experience. A good publication record would be an asset.

Salary: full-time salary (equivalent to 80% Senior Lectureship salary)

Start date: Nov 2014 (some flexibility).

Duration of appointment: the position is for 2 years. Potential to continue will depend on ability to obtain funding through competitive grants written collaboratively with research group.

Application: To apply for this position (in English or Spanish), submit a letter explaining your interests, your CV, and the names and addresses (including e-mail) of two reference persons electronically to the address below.

Contact address: For more information please contact the project leader, Dr. Mariano Devoto (e-mail: mdevoto[at]

Screening of applications will start on 15 October 2014, and applications are accepted until the position is filled.

Tags: post doc position
Published Oct. 3, 2014 3:51 PM - Last modified June 18, 2018 11:18 AM