Associate Professor Nikki Vercauteren

portrait photoAffiliation: Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo


Research interest

Nikki Vercauteren’s research is motivated by the multiscale characteristics of atmospheric flows, in particular boundary-layer flows. Her research interests include land-atmosphere interactions and near-surface atmospheric processes, atmospheric turbulence and energy transfers in atmospheric flows. In order to further understanding of these components of atmospheric flows, she combines methods from data-driven pattern detection and modeling, scientific computing and multiscale modeling.

She wants to use the knowledge gained through data-driven investigations to develop parameterization schemes for atmospheric and Earth-System models, and to further the understanding of the impact of small-scale processes on Earth-System dynamics.

Short bio

Nikki Vercauteren completed her PhD in Environmental Sciences at EPFL in Switzerland in 2011, after which she joined the Hydrology group at Stockholm University as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2013, she was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt research scholarship and joined the Freie Universität Berlin. Parallel to that, she was a teaching faculty member of NYU Berlin, teaching courses on Mathematical Modeling.

In 2017, she became an Assistant Professor for Applied Mathematics at the Freie Universität Berlin, leading a research group on Multiscale data analysis for the Geosciences. While in Berlin, she also lead the interfaculty Master Program in “Computational Sciences”. She will join the University of Oslo as an Associate Professor in Meteorology in April 2021.

Her research builds bridges between data sciences, computational sciences and atmospheric sciences.

Supervisor for the following CompSci project

Published Sep. 30, 2020 7:24 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2021 7:50 AM