Towards ultimate greenness

Green chemistry and sustainability is becoming more and more important. For sure next generation scientists will give this the highest priority! Microextraction technologies are claimed to be green, but how green are they? Moreover, how green can they be, if all chemicals we use are ingredients we find in the kitchen, and all plastic consumables we use are washed in hot water and recycled? The answer you get from our latest paper published in Green Analytical Chemistry.

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Liquid-phase microextraction in bioanalysis – How green can it be?

Anne Oldeide Hay, Frederik André Hansen, Elefteria Psillakis, Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard*

Green Analytical Chemistry 3 (2022) 100028

Published Oct. 3, 2022 12:25 PM - Last modified Oct. 3, 2022 12:25 PM