About the conference

The ENTIS conference is the annual meeting for the European Network of Teratology Information Services. The aim is to present the latest results from scientific studies, to meet collaborators and to get new ideas and inspiration!


ENTIS is a global collaborative network of Teratology Information Services. Member organisations consist of medical doctors, pharmacists, genetic counsellors and scientists all working together with the primary aim of preventing birth defects and developmental disorders which arise as a consequence of maternal or paternal perinatal exposures.

Read more about ENTIS

Local organizing committee

Portrett av Hedvig Nordeng

Hedvig Nordeng is a professor at the School of Pharmacy, UiO and holder of the ERC Starting Grant project DrugsInPregnancy (2015 – 2019). She is head of the PharmaTox Strategic Research Initiative, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo uniting researchers in Life Sciences, and head of the Norwegian PhD School of Pharmacy. Nordeng has authored over 120 scientific articles, book chapters and national guidelines on medication use and safety during pregnancy and lactation. Photo: Ola Gamst Sæther
Portrett av Angela Lupattelli Angela Lupattelli is a Postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo. Her research is focused towards understanding whether exposure to determined medications in pregnancy can negatively affect maternal and child’s health. She is particularly interested in safety and effectiveness of psychotropic medications, as well as on perinatal psychiatric disorders such depression and eating disorders. Photo: UiO
Gro Cecilie Havnen 

Laila Torstveit is administrative coordinator at the Norwegian PhD School of Pharmacy.

If you have any questions about registration, payment, hotel, travel or any other practicalities, please feel free to contact her.

Published Nov. 1, 2018 6:39 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2019 7:00 AM