Disputation: Abel Mulu Mengeste

Doctoral candidate Abel Mulu Mengeste at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is  defending the thesis "Effects of in vitro exercise and modulation of SERCA on energy metabolism in human skeletal muscle cells" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Abel Mulu Mengeste

Trial lecture - time and place

29.06.2022, 10.15. Auditorium, Gydas vei 8

Exercise effects on white and brown adipose tissue

Conferral summary

Fysisk aktivitet og økt energiforbruk i skjelettmuskulatur anses å spille en sentral rolle i forebygging og behandling av en rekke metabolske sykdommer som fedme og type 2-diabetes. I denne avhandlingen har Abel Mengeste studert mulige mekanismer bak disse gunstige effektene i celler isolert fra muskelbiopsier fra mennesker. Resultatene har bidratt til økt kunnskap om mulige angrepspunkter for utvikling av nye legemidler mot type 2-diabetes og fedme.

Main research findings

Regular exercise has proven to offer an effective strategy to counter obesity and associated metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes. Although contraction of skeletal muscle during exercise is essential for the favorable overall health benefits, a significant gap still remains in our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. This thesis sheds new light on molecular responses to contraction of human skeletal muscle cells using electrical pulse stimulation (EPS) and also explores the possibility of increasing energy expenditure by targeting the calcium-ATPase pump (SERCA) in muscle. The SERCA pump is one of the main contributors to contraction and relaxation as well as heat production in muscle. The findings in this work revealed that pharmacological activation or genetic manipulation of SERCA could have significant implications in the treatment of obesity and related disorders. Additionally, we found that several genes and proteins important for regulation of energy homeostasis were changed in human muscle cells after EPS. These results will be a valuable resource for understanding the complex interplay between skeletal muscle contraction and energy utilization.

Read more (in Norwegian)


Published June 15, 2022 10:00 AM - Last modified June 27, 2022 12:24 PM