Disputation: Ben Tore Henriksen

Doctoral candidate Ben Tore Henriksen at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is  defending the thesis "Towards optimised medication management and pharmacotherapy for hip fracture patients in primary and secondary healthcare settings; current perspectives and an intervention for patient safety" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Ben Tore Henriksem

Trial lecture - time and place

19.10.2023, 10.15, Auditorium Rjukan, Gydas vei 8

Patients perspectives in clinical pharmacist interventions.
Hurdles, misconceptions and facilitators

Conferral summary

Avhandlingen fant at det er utfordringer knyttet oppfølgingen av hoftebruddspasienters legemiddelbehandling igjennom hele behandlingsforløpet. En innovativ intervensjon med klinisk farmasøyt som fulgte pasienten gjennom behandlingsløpet, både i sekundær og primærhelsetjenesten forbedret legemiddelbehandlingen, og bidro til økt pasientsikkerhet.

Main research findings

Hip fracture patients are at high risk of medication errors. They might receive wrong medications, combinations of medications that can be harmful, or lack important medications. This is a potential threat to patient safety with an unnecessary societal cost, and reduced quality of life for the individual.

This thesis examined management and use of medications for hip fracture patients from different perspectives in hospital and municipal healthcare settings.

The results revealed that hip fracture patients experienced several transitions through the healthcare system. These care transitions were problematic due to suboptimal medication communication between healthcare providers. Additionally, an underutilisation of medication reviews may have led to a continuation of potentially harmful medications. As a possible solution to all these challenges, an innovative pharmaceutical service was developed: the Patient Pathway Pharmacist. The intervention followed the patients through all health care transitions as a contribution towards hip fracture patient safety. The intervention was feasible, improved medication communication, reduced the use of harmful medications, and increased the use of necessary medications. As such, the Patient Pathway Pharmacist intervention can contribute to optimised management and use of medications for hip fracture patients as a step towards improved care.

Read more (in Norwegian)

Published Oct. 5, 2023 10:00 AM - Last modified Oct. 13, 2023 1:48 PM