Disputation: Stine Eidhammer Rognan

Doctoral candidate Stine Eidhammer Rognan at the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis "Clinical risk factors, and barriers in medication communication. A contribution to better patient care" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Stine Eidhammer Rognan

Trial lecture - time and place

05.10.2023, 10.15. Auditorium 2, Helga Eng

Shared decision-making in deprescribing

Conferral summary

Helsetjenesten er under økende press og det stilles høye krav til pasienters egenmestring. Doktorgradsarbeidet identifiserer hvilke pasienter som kan ha nytte av klinisk farmasøyt til vurdering av legemiddelbehandlingen, og hvordan legemiddelkommunikasjon i sykehus kan forbedres sett fra pasienters perspektiv.

Main research findings

Our health systems are under pressure and high demands are placed on patients’ abilities to self-manage. Major challenges are lack of methods to prioritise the most vulnerable patients, and the lack of understanding how to improve medication communication from the patient perspective.

This thesis has contributed with knowledge and understanding useful to better prioritize limited healthcare resources and in designing future clinical pharmacy services to support patients’ self-management. A clinical risk model was identified, comprising having 1) three or more comorbid conditions according to Charlson Comorbidity Index, 2) previous hospital admission within the past six months, and 3) heart failure. Initiatives to improve medication communication from the patient perspective were identified as 1) early patient involvement, 2) attention to the patient’s preferences, and 3) information adapted to the patient’s knowledgebase.

The thesis contributes to better patient care by suggesting how healthcare resources may be used more effectively. However, improvements in patient care will require that healthcare planners and policymakers adopt the model in clinical practice, and facilitate communication between patients and health care personnel.

Published Sep. 21, 2023 10:00 AM - Last modified Oct. 5, 2023 12:21 PM