Signals of boosted dark matter and neutrinos

Takashi Toma, Kanazawa university

Weekly Theory Seminar.


Dark matter direct detection experiments impose the strong bound on thermal dark matter scenarios. The bound can naturally be evaded if the cross section is momentum transfer dependent or velocity dependent. One can test such thermal dark matter scenarios through experiments if dark matter particles are boosted by some mechanism. In this work, we consider a specific semi-annihilation \(\chi\chi \to \nu \overline{\chi}\) where \(\chi~ (\overline{\chi})\) is dark matter (anti-dark matter), and search for simultaneous detection of the neutrino and the boosted dark matter in the final state at DUNE. We find that the energies of the neutrino and boosted dark matter are reconstructed well due to the precise angular resolution of the DUNE detector. In addition, we find that both signals can be testable at DUNE if the dark matter mass is below 8 GeV, and the cross section is momentum transfer dependent. Even for larger dark matter masses, the two signals can be tested by combination of DUNE and the other experiments such as IceCube/DeepCore and Hyper-Kamiokande.

(The slides will be available here)

Published Mar. 14, 2024 8:40 AM - Last modified Mar. 14, 2024 8:40 AM